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Speech by Nobel Peace Prize winner postponed to April 6
February 9, 2000
Elon hosting program for student residence advisors at colleges
February 8, 2000
Ohio Ballet to perform Tuesday, Feb. 22 at Elon College
February 7, 2000
Elon College announces academic reorganization
February 4, 2000
African-American Read-in to be held Feb. 14 at Elon College
February 3, 2000
Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows to visit Elon in February
February 2, 2000
Local resident named editor of student newspaper at Elon College
February 1, 2000
Elon’s social science division hosts forum on family issues
January 28, 2000
Mark Levine Trio, Jon Metzger to perform at Elon College
January 28, 2000
Elon College to present
January 27, 2000