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Elon College administrator authors guide to finding perfect job
January 25, 2000
Environmentalist to discuss logging, chip mills in Elon speech
January 20, 2000
February at Elon to feature concerts, lectures and plays
January 20, 2000
Elon’s teacher education program to celebrate facility’s renovation
January 20, 2000
Martin Luther King celebration to be held at Elon College
January 13, 2000
Elon College students to predict what life will be like in Year 2100
January 12, 2000
Local residents to help move books into new Elon College library
January 8, 2000
Elon College chooses common reading for next academic year
January 7, 2000
Elon professor co-authors book on Alamance County history
December 30, 1999
Elon College to host grantsmanship training program
December 29, 1999