New Student Programs

Apply to be an Orientation Leader!
Welcome to Elon!
Your admission to Elon University marks a significant life transition and your commitment to become part of a vibrant academic community. This university community – the faculty, staff and your fellow classmates – has prepared an environment defined by curiosity, engagement and reflection, and filled by ideas, theories and questions. Your decision to attend Elon indicates you’re ready to join this academic, intellectual community. Your Elon journey is going to be filled with triumphs, excitement, growth, learning, and sometimes nervousness, failure, and apprehension. Throughout those experiences, the New Student Programs (NSP) team is prepared to help enhance your Elon experience by facilitating opportunities for you and your family to feel engaged, equipped and prepared to succeed.
To help you prepare for a great year, we have planned a comprehensive Elon Bound experience in three mandatory phases. Be sure to read through the information about all three to ensure you are prepared for the journey ahead!
If you have any questions about how we can assist with your transition to Elon or about getting involved with NSP, please stop by our office at 103 Jackson Hall in the Global Neighborhood or email us at Welcome to your new home!
Your Elon Bound Journey