The Intercultural Development and Education to Action (IDEA) Institute

The IDEA Institute is a year-long program enabling faculty and staff to deepen intercultural learning and development to expand critical consciousness in their current work. Participants will complete the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI©), create a personalized development plan, and engage in development sessions and experiential learning activities to advance their intercultural learning, competencies, and practices.

Participation in this cohort experience will culminate in individual projects directly related to participants’ functions on campus, Unit 1 goals, or performance appraisal goals. Participants will receive an IDEA Institute Completion Certificate upon completing all Institute requirements.

Program Components

IDI Assessment and Individualized Coaching (6 hours)

The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI©) serves as a foundation for the Intercultural Development and Education to Action (IDEA) Institute. Each participant will complete the IDI, a comprehensive assessment that provides useful feedback to individuals about how they engage cultural diversity and identifies issues that may be impeding them from bridging more effectively across cultural differences. Each participant will receive a Intercultural Development Plan (IDP), a customized plan that guides individuals through a series of developmentally appropriate activities and self-reflections.

Participants will be invited to participate in at least three individualized coaching sessions per semester. These one-on-one sessions offer personalized guidance and support, helping participants create tailored development plans to enhance their intercultural learning process.

Group Development and Education Sessions - Fall (10.5 hours)

In the Fall, IDEA Institute cohort members will meet for seven 1 1/2 hours of group development and education sessions designed to engage in dialogue across difference and foster collective growth.

The first session provides participants with an overview of the program (including an understanding of the IDI©, an opportunity to begin reflecting on their participation in the program, and an introductory overview of some frameworks used to think about intercultural development and engaging across difference. The format is interactive and informal snacks and materials are provided.

The remaining sessions will support participants as they work through their respective Intercultural Development Plans (IDPs). Through a group coaching approach with guided discussions and activities, participants will engage in self-reflection about opportunities and challenges they face navigating cultural differences and deepen their intercultural understanding of others. By the end of the Fall semester, participants will identify goals to increase intercultural competence and design a project directly related to their function on campus, Unit 1 goals, or performance appraisal goals.

The shared journey through group development and education sessions encourages accountability, builds community, and enhances the application of intercultural skills in personal and professional settings. These sessions provide a supportive and collaborative environment where participants can share experiences, challenges, and insights while working towards their individual goals. Participants must commit to attending the group sessions to complete the program. 

Project Development and Mastermind Sessions - Spring (7.5 hours)

By the end of the Fall semester, participants will identify goals to increase intercultural competence and design a project directly related to their function on campus, Unit 1 goals, or performance appraisal goals.

Starting in Winter term and Spring semester, participants will work more autonomously on their project that will address an aspect of intercultural engagement they would like to develop more fully. Cohort members will be invited to five 1 1/2 hours sessions to participate in the Mastermind technique as they work on their respective projects. The Mastermind technique provides an innovative platform for collaborative problem-solving and strategic thinking. By engaging in facilitated peer-to-peer discussions, participants come together to address challenges and/or brainstorm actionable solutions as they progress toward their respective intercultural development goals and projects. In these sessions, faculty and staff participants can uncover new approaches, gain valuable feedback, and accelerate their learning and development. Participants must commit to attending the Mastermind sessions to complete the program. 

Intercultural Learning Opportunities - Fall/Spring (minimum 6 hours)

Throughout the program, IDEA Institute Participants will be expected to participate in at least 3 Intercultural Learning Opportunities (ILOs) of their choice a semester as part of their transformative journey. Grounded in the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI©) and Intercultural Development Plan (IDP), these activities provide a structured approach to advancing participants’ intercultural learning and achieving respective individual goals. According to the IDI, participants can enhance their personal growth and move forward in their intercultural development with consistent and targeted engagement with ILOs. Participants must commit to completing ILOs and will be expected to complete short reflections in Moodle about their ILO activities.

Reflection Retreat - Spring (2 hours)

At the end of the academic year, the cohort will gather for a two-hour retreat/luncheon to share updates, discuss feedback, and provide peer support as participants work through or complete their personal projects and IDP goals. This will be an opportunity to reflect on individual and group intercultural learning processes during the Institute and to discuss ongoing commitment to engage in intercultural learning activities. We will also discuss poster presentations and the graduation celebration marking the completion of the Institute.

Presentation and Graduation (August/September 2025)

At the start of the next academic year, participants will have an opportunity to showcase their intercultural learning journey through poster presentations at a graduation celebration with invited colleagues and university leadership.

Participant Information

The IDEA Institute is open to Elon faculty and staff members. Ideal participants include:

  • Early- or Mid-career Faculty and Staff with Leadership Aspirations: Colleagues who are ready to expand their critical consciousness and use intercultural insights to shape their current or future leadership roles, particularly in decision-making related to curricular or co-curricular inclusive excellence initiatives.
  • Faculty and Staff with Unit-Specific Goals: Individuals who are seeking intentional support in aligning their intercultural learning with specific goals tied to their department’s inclusive excellence initiatives, or their own performance appraisal or Unit 1 objectives.
  • Staff and Faculty Working with Student Leaders: Colleagues committed to enhancing their ability to support Elon’s diverse student population, fostering a sense of belonging and well-being inside and outside the classroom.
  • Staff and Faculty Engaged in Intra/Interdepartmental Collaborations: Those who want to strengthen their ability to recognize biases and appropriately adapt behaviors while collaborating across cultural differences within or across departmental projects and initiatives.
  • Faculty and Staff Seeking Community: We know that engaging in inclusive excellence and DEI work can be both rewarding and challenging. This program offers a supportive community for individuals passionate about developing their intercultural competencies who are looking for space to reflect, share, and apply new insights within their professional roles.

The goal of the IDEA Institute is to create a dynamic, supportive cohort that will learn and grow together while making a lasting impact in their work at Elon.

IDEA Institute Application

This year, the IDEA Institute is excited to welcome a cohort of 10 dedicated faculty and staff members. Applicants accepted into the Institute are committing to yearlong involvement (September 2024 – August 2025).

Applications for the ’24-’25 AY must be submitted by or before noon on Thursday, September 5, 2024.

24-25 AY Timeline
  • Apply for the IDEA Institute: Wed. August 21- Thurs. September 5
    • Submit responses to the following items in 2 pages or less (12 pt. font, single spaced) or a maximum of 1000 words:
      1. What motivates you to participate in the IDEA Institute, and how do you envision the institute impacting your work and personal growth?
      2. What specific goals do you have for deepening your intercultural learning and expanding your critical consciousness through this program?
      3. Can you describe some challenges you face where successfully navigating cultural differences is crucial? How do you currently address these challenges?
      4. Reflecting on your experiences, what are some common situations where cultural differences have presented challenges, and how have you managed them?
      5. Share your experiences with previous diversity, inclusion, or intercultural learning efforts. Were these initiatives successful or unsuccessful, and what factors contributed to their outcomes?
  • Selected participants are notified and invited to complete the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI©): Mon. September 9- Fri. September 13
  • Group Orientation: Wed. September 18 (Time TBD, based on application responses)
  • Fall ’24 Group Development and Education Sessions: (Wednesdays; Time TBD, based on application responses)
    • September 25
    • October 9
    • October 23
    • November 6
    • November 20
    • December 4
  • Spring ’25 Project Development and Mastermind Sessions (Days and Time TBD, developed by Cohort)
  • Reflection Retreat:  Week of May 28, 2025
  • Summer ’25 Check-In: (Days and Time TBD, developed by Cohort)
  • Presentation and Graduation: August 2025