The Diversity and Inclusion Grant (DIG) program supports pairs or small teams of up to 5 members to develop projects focused on inclusive content, pedagogies, assignments, or strategies to foster learning about human diversity, broadly defined. DIG projects can be used to meet a range of DEI-focused curricular or pedagogical goals, such as to:

Collect and analyze student learning, representation, or success at the departmental or program level and develop responsive strategies or interventions,
Develop content for multi-section courses, or creating repositories of materials for departments or programs,
Design and pilot new assignments for individual courses, and/or
Build instructor or student awareness, skills, and strategies to incorporate inclusive pedagogies.
Each team develops their project in two phases — Phase I: Research (April-August) and Phase II: Infusion (August-May), when teams pilot and assess their action plans. Each team receives $500 to use for project expenses, and each faculty team member receives a $1000 stipend (paid in equal parts at the completion of Phase I and Phase II; student or staff member funding will be negotiated).

For any questions, please contact CATL, at