Advanced Placement (AP)

Students earning a score of four or better in the Advanced Placement Tests of the College Entrance Examination Board taken in high school may receive credit in the following fields: art, biology, chemistry, Chinese, calculus, computer science, economics, English composition, English literature, environmental studies, French, geography, German, history, Latin, music, physics, political science, psychology, Spanish and statistics. Official scores should be sent to the Office of Admissions.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Students earning a score of five or greater on Higher Level examinations may receive four semester hours of credit in biology, business administration, computer science, communications, foreign language, literature, philosophy or theatre. No credit is awarded for Standard Level examinations. Scores should be sent to the Office of Admissions.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the College Board enables students to earn university credit by examination. Students desiring credit by examination must earn a scaled score of 60 on the General Examinations or the Subject Area Examinations. Credit may be awarded in the social sciences and science only. Scores should be sent to the Office of Admissions.

Go to the transfer credit from exams page to see the course credit that can be earned for the individual examination subject areas.