The Experiential Learning Requirement (ELR) prepares students for lives of meaningful work and service. By engaging students in opportunities that integrate knowledge and experience, the ELR fosters an understanding and life-long appreciation for learning. Students engage in a process that includes preparation, action, and reflection to develop the habits of mind required to learn effectively from experience and the commitment to put knowledge into action as responsible global citizens.


Internships are a great way to satisfy one or both units of Elon’s ELR requirement over the summer, while also gaining valuable professional experience specific to your career interests. Internships, including for-credit 4985 internships, are facilitated by the Student Professional Development Center.

Learn more about summer internships


You can complete the Leadership ELR over the summer by having a formal leadership role/position or through a self-identified initiative to create positive change. Leadership experiences are facilitated by Elon’s Center for Leadership. Their office will provide the necessary materials and actions needed to complete your Leadership ELR.
Learn more & sign up to start the Leadership ELR


The Service ELR can be completed during the summer in Alamance County, domestically or internationally.  Service experiences are facilitated by the Kernodle Center for Civic Life. Their office will provide the necessary materials and actions needed to complete your Service ELR.
Learn more about summer service-learning opportunities 

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research is a great opportunity for students interested in analyzing a topic from the perspective of researchers and scholars in their field. Undergraduate research experiences, such as for-credit 4999 research or the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE), are facilitated by the Office of Undergraduate Research.
Learn more about Undergraduate Research at Elon

Global Engagement

In the Global Education Center’s (GEC) summer affiliate programs, you will take part in a study abroad program sponsored by a U.S. organization or directly enroll in classes at a university abroad. These programs are carefully vetted to ensure that they align with Elon University standards for study abroad. Students can meet major requirements and continue progress towards their Elon degree. Click here for a short video on the Elon in NYC program – a great example of summer study away!

Learn more about summer study abroad programs