SGA Elections

Each Spring, the Student Government Association holds elections for Executive, Judiciary and Senate positions.  Additionally, student leadership positions for the Honor Board and the Senior class member Commencement speaker are included on the ballot.

Executive Branch

  • Student Body President
  • Executive Vice President
  • Vice President of Communication (appointed)
  • Vice President of Finance (appointed)

Senate Positions

Senior Class

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Senator (5)

Junior Class

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Senator (5)

Sophomore Class

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Senator (5)

Academic Senators

  • School of Arts & Sciences Senator (5)
  • School of Communications Senator (3)
  • Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education Senator (2)
  • Martha and Spencer Love School of Business Senator (4)
  • School of Health Sciences Senator (1)

Initiative Senators

  • The Initiative Senators shall represent the priorities of the Student Government Association as determined by the SGA Bylaws.

To be eligible, candidates must be in good disciplinary standing (not on disciplinary probation or higher) and will be expected to maintain a 2.7 GPA throughout their tenure. Only First, Second and Third Year students are eligible to run for these SGA positions. Voting is open to all students.

Senator Obligations

  • Actively engage in all Senate meetings and functions required by office (Senate Business, Town Hall, working, committee, retreat, special or otherwise).
  • Serve as a member of at least one Senate committee. (Class Treasurers serve on the Finance Board and may serve on other committees if desired.)
  • Participate in a minimum of four (4) hours of programming sponsored by a campus cultural identity group, center or organization.

Fall 2024 Elections

In the Fall, First Year Senate Elections are held in early September.

See the ELECTIONS PACKET for more detailed information.  Contact the Elections Committee Chair (Maddie Williams, or the Speaker of the Senate (Robin Falkow, to learn even more or come by the SGA office in Moseley 213.

First-Year Class

Senators (6)

Senator Obligations

  • Actively engage in all Senate meetings and functions required by office (Senate Business, working, and committee meetings; Town Hall; retreats; SGA volunteer activities; etc.).
  • Serve as a member of at least one Senate committee. (Class Treasurers serve on the Finance Board and may serve on other committees if desired.)
  • Participate in a minimum of four (4) hours of programming sponsored by a campus cultural identity group, center or organization.

First-Year Elections Process (Fall)

READ the Elections Packet and make sure you understand all of the requirements.

Monday, September 2 at 6pm, LaRose 200
Interest Session
Join us to learn more about the Student Government Association, the election process, and the campaign requirements/allowances.

Monday, September 9 – No later than 5 pm
Application DUE
Complete the application and candidacy statement as directed on PhoenixCONNECT. All application materials must be completed and submitted by 5:00 PM on Monday, September 9, 2024.  No late applications will be accepted.

Monday, September 9 at 5:30 pm, LaRose 200 
Mandatory All-Candidates Meeting
Please dress in business casual; election/ballot photos will be taken at this meeting. Campaigning may begin after the conclusion of this meeting. Requirements and limitations will be reviewed at this meeting. Contact the Elections Committee Chair (Maddie Williams, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to request an excused absence if you are unable to participate. (Excuses may be granted for an academic commitment, religious observance, participation in a varsity athletic event, a family emergency, or a medical emergency.) Any unexcused absence will result in suspension of one’s candidacy.

Tuesday, September 10 at 5 pm
Speech Drafts Due
Speeches are optional, yet strongly encouraged. Drafts must be emailed to the Elections Committee Chair (Maddie Williams,

Wednesday, September 11 at 7pm, Jane and Brian Williams Studios
Candidate Speeches
Your optional 3 minute (maximum) speech will be recorded by Elon News Network, shared on SGA’s social media account(s), and may be hyperlinked on the ballot.  More instructions (including how to get to the ENN Studio) will be discussed at the candidates meeting.

Tuesday, September 17 from 7am – 7pm (online – PhoenixCONNECT)
Election Day
Elections will run on Tuesday, September 17 from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm.  All voting will be conducted through Elon University’s web-based voting system (PhoenixCONNECT). Election results will be announced later that evening.

Please refer to the elections packet for further information on the First-Year Elections process.

Process for Spring 2024 SGA Elections

NOTE – This election information is outdated, but we left it here in case you are interested in running for a position in Spring 2025.  Check back later in the fall for updated information!

Tuesday, February 27 @ 6:00 pm, Lakeside 214
Information Session (optional)
Curious or have questions about running for a position on SGA?  An optional information session about SGA and each position for prospective candidates will answer your questions before the application is due.

Monday, March 11 – No later than 5 pm, PhoenixCONNECT
Application DUE 
The application and candidacy statement is a form on PhoenixCONNECT. It must be submitted (online) no later than 5 pm. ABSOLUTELY NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Monday, March 11 at 5:15 pm, Moseley 215
Mandatory All-Candidates Meeting
Please dress in business casual; election/ballot photos will be taken at this meeting. Campaigning may begin after the conclusion of this meeting. Requirements and limitations will be reviewed at this meeting. Contact the Elections Committee Chair (Danny Nickel, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to request an excused absence if you are unable to participate. (Excuses may be granted for an academic commitment, religious observance, participation in a varsity athletic event, a family emergency, or a medical emergency.) Any unexcused absence will result in a suspension of one’s candidacy.

Date and time TBD
Speech Drafts Due
Speeches are optional, yet strongly encouraged. Drafts must be emailed to (TBD).

Date and time TBD
Executive Candidates Forum
Participating in the Candidates Forum is optional yet strongly encouraged for all Executive Positions. The Forum shall be moderated by the Elections Committee Chair, in which the Chair will ask the candidates questions related to their respective positions.

Tuesday, March 12 at 8:00 pm
Candidate Speech Drafts Due
Email –

Thursday, March 14 at 6:00 pm, Jane and Brian Williams Studios
Candidate Speeches
Your optional 3-minute (maximum) speech will be recorded by Elon News Network, shared on SGA’s social media account(s), and may be hyperlinked on the ballot.

Monday, March 18 at 8:00 am – 5:00 pm on Tuesday, March 19, 2024
All voting will be conducted through Elon University’s web-based voting system – PhoenixCONNECT. Results will be announced (TBD) at (TBD)pm in (TBD).

April 4 at 7:30 pm, Moseley 215
First Senate Meeting
New SGA members will take the oath of office at this first Senate Business Meeting.

Fall 2024 (October 4-6)
SGA Retreat
The mandatory SGA Retreat is an opportunity for all members of SGA to get to know each other better and begin working on their goals for the year.