We encourage you to connect with employers when they are here, by taking part in the following:

On-Campus Recruiting Events

For information about our current events, please visit our events registration page. We look forward to working with you!

Click here to view our upcoming events

If you already have an account on the Elon Job Network, you can log in to review the information there as well.

We host a variety of events including but not limited to:

Career Fairs and Meet and Greets, focus areas may include: University-wide, Business, Communications, STEM
Graduate and Professional School Fair
Teacher Fair

On-Campus and Virtual Interviews

To search and apply for an on-campus interview, sign in to the Elon Job Network, go to the yellow bar at the top and select, “Interviews,” and then select “I qualify for these interviews.” Please read the applications instructions carefully. You will likely need to submit your resume through the system, which means you will need to upload a .pdf copy of your resume.

To upload, go to your Account Summary (white box to the right) and look for “Default Resume Last Updated” and select “update.” Please do not upload a word document as the system may alter your formatting.