Students wishing to return to Elon after completing a Medical Leave of Absence or Hardship Leave of Absence must complete the following process in order to return. For students seeking return after a withdrawal, please use the process outlined on the Admissions Website.

Request deadlines

Requests for returning from a leave of absence, including all supporting documentation, must be received at least thirty days prior to the first day of return to campus or classes. No partial request will be considered once the deadline has passed. Student requests are generally reviewed in batches once the deadline has passed. We strongly recommend that students begin the return process at least 60 days prior to the start of the term they plan to re-enroll.

How to request for return from a Leave of Absence

Please use the following checklist to ensure you have completed the return process completely and thoroughly. This checklist includes common mistakes encountered by the review committee that often delay or result in the denial of a student’s application:

For students returning from Medical Leave:

  • Student submits the Return from Leave Application;
  • Student attaches the Health Recommendation Form, or confirms their provider has sent the form;
  • If the documentation includes requirements that the student engage in a “Continuity of Care” plan once they return to Elon, the provider must include the confirmed plan on their documentation AND the student must include the name, phone number, and first date of appointment on their return application.

For students returning from other types of Leave:

  • Student submits the Return from Leave Application;
  • Student includes a brief statement explaining the resolution of the situation that prompted them to take a leave;
  • If appropriate, the student attaches any supporting documentation related to resolution of the situation.

Note: Graduate programs may have additional requirements regarding return from leave. Please review your graduate program handbook and speak with your graduate program director to determine if your program has additional requirements related to return from a leave of absence

What happens next

Once submitted, requests will be reviewed for completeness and submitted to the Leave of Absence Committee for review. The committee will review all relevant information to determine whether return is in the best interest of the student and University.

For returns from a Medical Leave of Absence, the committee will (at a minimum) confirm the following:

  • The student’s treatment provider indicates student is medically ready to return;
  • The student has complied with treatment recommended as part of the student’s Medical Leave of Absence request;
  • The health issues that prompted leave are resolved or the student has made significant progress towards health recovery or maintenance;
  • If continued care is recommended, the student has a continuity of care plan confirmed (i.e. in place) prior to approval for return (including identified provider and confirmed first appointment to meet type/scope of care).

If approved, the committee will notify the student and inform other appropriate offices at the University. The committee’s approval may be contingent upon certain expectations provided by the committee. If this is the case, the student must complete all necessary expectations prior to the start of classes. Students failing or refusing to complete these expectations may have their leave request denied. The most common expectation involves meeting with a staff member from the Office of Student Care and Outreach to ensure appropriate connection to on-campus support services.

If denied, the student will be notified via email. There is no appeal process for denied requests.

Common questions

Can I register for classes before I get approval to return?

Yes, students on leave are eligible to register for classes even prior to return. If a student’s return request is denied or if they do not submit a return request, their classes will be canceled.

Can I register for housing before I get approval to return?

Yes, students on leave may participate in the housing selection process prior to their return. If a student’s return request is denied or if they do not submit a return request, their housing registration will be cancelled.