Frequently Asked Questions

Students responding to potential policy violations may have a currently enrolled student, faculty, or staff member from the Elon University community serve as their advisor during the student conduct process. Family members, attorneys, or other legal counsel may not serve as advisors or attend any meeting that occurs as part of the conduct process.

What does an advisor do?

The role of an advisor is limited in scope. Importantly, an advisor’s role is to support a student, not to help a student avoid accountability for actions they participated in. Rather, an advisor supports a student navigating the student conduct process by helping them better understand what to expect during student conduct meetings, helping students prepare for and participate in their meetings, offer emotional support, and connecting students with helpful resources.

An advisor may not answer for, speak for, or otherwise represent a student. Students and their advisors may consult or request a moment outside the meeting. An advisor may also ask a procedural question to support the student.

How does a student find an advisor?

Any Elon University student, staff, or faculty member, who is not otherwise involved in the conduct review, may serve as an advisor. If a student chooses to have an advisor for the student conduct process, they are responsible for reaching out to them.

Does a student have to have an advisor while participating in the student conduct process?

No. While any Elon University student, staff, or faculty member may serve as a student’s advisor, students do not have to have an advisor to participate in the student conduct process. The Office of Student Conduct can serve as a resource to help a student identify an advisor, but it is the student’s responsibility to select an advisor that they feel would best support them during a student conduct process, should they choose to have one.

Should students inform their hearing officer that they have an advisor?

Yes. It is helpful that hearing officers know that an advisor will also be attending a meeting with a student so they can provide appropriate accommodations. Hearing officers will make a reasonable effort to accommodate an advisor’s availability and provide appropriate space, but the university reserves the right to proceed with any meeting, regardless of the availability of the advisor.

Can an advisor attend all student conduct meetings?

Yes. An advisor can attend all student conduct meetings with a student.  The student conduct process may consist of one or more meetings depending on the nature of the reported incident and behaviors. The student has the responsibility to invite the advisor to each meeting they would like them to attend.

How will an advisor know when and where a meeting occurs?

It is a student’s responsibility to inform their advisor of the dates, times, and locations of all meetings.

Can an advisor review information that relates to the student’s conduct incident?

Due to FERPA limitations, advisors will not be provided information about a student’s conduct incident or records outside of the conduct meetings. It is a student’s responsibility to inform their advisor of any relevant information related to the incident.

A student may voluntarily choose to complete a request to disclose student conduct records if they would like to provide access to an advisor to review their related disciplinary records.

Can an advisor reach out to the Office of Student Conduct to receive information about the student conduct process?

Yes. Advisors are encouraged to reach out to the Office of Student Conduct if there are any questions about the student conduct process. A staff member will be able to answer any questions or direct an advisor to the appropriate resource. However, advisors are not able to gain access to information specific to the incident under review. Students are responsible for sharing all relevant information with their advisor.

Can students hold an advisor responsible for an unfavorable resolution?

No. While having an advisor is a student’s right, they are voluntarily identified by the student. Because the role of an advisor is to support a student participating in a student conduct process, the ultimate decision about what to share is given to the student. Remember, an advisor may not answer for, speak for, or otherwise represent a student.