Frequently Asked Questions

While we know that contact by our office can be overwhelming, our goal is to support your well-being and success. Please see the following frequently asked questions to help you prepare for engagement with our office.

Why did I receive a letter from the Office of Student Conduct and what should I do now?

Letters are sent to students following a referral or report to the Office of Student Conduct regarding a potential violation of the Code of Conduct. The letter will provide information related to the potential date and location of the reported incident and outline the expectations for the next steps. In some instances, the letter will be a request to serve as a witness, or a preliminary meeting to gather more information about a situation. In other instances, the letter will provide information about a meeting with a hearing officer or staff within the Office of Student Conduct.

It is important that you thoroughly review the letter you received. You may contact the Office of Student Conduct ( or 336-278-7271) if you believe you received the letter in error or have questions about information within the letter.

I received a citation for court. Why do I also have a student conduct meeting?

Some behavior may be both a violation of the law as well as a violation of the Code of Conduct. Receiving communication from the Office of Student Conduct indicates that the alleged behavior may be a potential policy violation and needs to be reviewed by staff in the Office of Student Conduct.

An incident happened off-campus. Why did I get a letter from the Office of Student Conduct?

The Honor Code applies to all behavior on- or off-campus. This includes behavior that occurs at locations and events not occurring on campus, those involving non-campus individuals and organizations, abroad or away experiences, and over technology. The Town of Elon Police also provide reports of any student citations or arrests within the Town of Elon.

What happens at a student conduct conference?

At your conference, you will have a conversation with a hearing officer. In this meeting, your hearing officer will first review the student conduct process, your student rights, and resolution options. You will then be provided the opportunity to ask questions and share your perspective related to the incident and potential policy violations.

What happens at an administrative or honor board hearing?

At your hearing, you will have an opportunity to review and respond to all available information related to the situation under review before a decision is reached.

How do I prepare for my meeting?

There are different types of resolution processes, but the preparation is similar. Honesty and respect are core tenets of Elon University’s Honor Code. You are expected to be respectful and tell the truth during any meetings. It is helpful to have an organized and sequential telling of what occurred and provide any information that could be helpful for your hearing officer to better understand what happened. If your letter included reflection questions, think about those in preparation for your meeting.

What happens if I do not attend my student conduct conference?

The conference is an opportunity to include your perspective related to the matter before the Office of Student Conduct determines the appropriate type of resolution. Without your participation, an administrative hearing may be scheduled and communicated to you, or an administrative hold may be placed on your student account until you meet.

What happens if I do not attend my hearing?

A decision may be made in absentia if you do not attend your hearing. All available information will be considered using the preponderance of the evidence standard and a decision will be communicated to you within seven days.

In certain situations, you may make a decision to withdraw pending or in lieu of a hearing. This occurs with approval from the Dean of Students. Please refer to the “Interim Administrative Actions and Withdrawal” section of Elon University’s Student Handbook for additional information about this process.

What is an Honor Board hearing and when would I be referred?

The Office of Student Conduct may refer a case to the Honor Board if potential outcomes could include a period of suspension or expulsion from the university, any potential academic integrity violations where a student doesn’t accept responsibility, or for cases where a conflict of interest exists, and no hearing officers are available to resolve the case.

Who can I bring to my student conduct meeting?

Any Elon University student, faculty, or staff member may serve as your advisor for a student conduct process. Please see our Advisor FAQ for additional information.

Attorneys and parents are not permitted to attend student conduct meetings. Resolution processes used by the Office of Student Conduct are not civil or criminal proceedings, and instead are educational processes that review university policies. As such, our philosophy is that to best facilitate learning and growth, a student must engage truthfully and act with integrity.

What are my responsibilities if I have to respond to behavior in court and in the student conduct process?

The resolution processes at Elon University are administrative processes to respond to potential violations of the Code of Conduct. The legal system is a separate process responding to potential violations of law and has different responsibilities, procedures, and standards of evidence. As such, you may engage in both processes according to respective procedures. Elon University’s resolutions are determined independently of a legal process.

Are hearing decisions final?

You may choose to request an appeal following a responsible finding for a policy violation. A request for appeal may be submitted within 10 days based on the three grounds and are administratively reviewed based on the written information you submit. The “Appeals and Appeal Boards” section within Elon University’s Student Handbook outlines the process and grounds for appeal. For additional information regarding your rights to an appeal and to submit an appeal, click here.

Note: If you accepted responsibility and outcomes for a violation using a Mutual Resolution Agreement, you waived your right to appeal the decision.

You may also request an appeal extension by emailing the Assistant Dean of Students, Whitney Gregory, if extenuating circumstances prevent you from submitting an appeal by the communicated deadline. The Assistant Dean of Students (or designee) has the discretion to grant an appeal extension.

I can’t finish my outcomes by the deadline. What should I do?

Contact the Office of Student Conduct immediately ( There are some circumstances that may qualify you for an extension. Those decisions are made by the Office of Student Conduct.

Will anything appear on my transcripts due to my involvement with student conduct?

No. Findings of responsibility for violating social policies within the Code of Conduct are not included on academic transcripts.

Will my parents/guardians find out about this?

It depends. Your parents/guardians will receive communication and support resources from the Office of Student Conduct if you are found responsible for violating an alcohol or drug policy if you are under the age of 21 at the time of the incident. We encourage you to be proactive and talk to them before the notification comes.

If your parents/guardians would like to speak with our office, staff may be limited on what they are able to share. Generally, staff will be able to help your parents/guardians better understand the philosophy, goals, and process. If your parents would like to talk more specifically about details of the incident relating to you, you would need to complete a FERPA waiver.

What is an administrative hold and why do I have it?

The Office of Student Conduct may place an administrative hold on your account if you did not resolve an outstanding student conduct responsibility. This may include completing assigned outcomes in a timely manner or failing to meet with the staff assigned to review your case. If you have a question about a hold on your account, please contact the Office of Student Conduct.

Will a responsible finding affect my financial aid or scholarship?

It is possible. While the Office of Student Conduct does not make decisions related to your financial aid eligibility, your scholarship agency may have expectations regarding your behavior. If you are receiving financial aid or are on scholarship, and you have a disciplinary action pending, it may be important for you to talk to the representative of the office dispersing the funds. Students who are suspended may also see their financial aid impacted.

Will a disciplinary record affect my chances for graduate or professional school?

It may. The Office of Student Conduct does not have the authority to make decisions regarding another institution’s admissions process. We do share information when requested in accordance with Elon University’s Record, Retention, and Reporting policy.

How does a disciplinary record effect job or leadership opportunities on campus?

Different opportunities have different expectations. It is not uncommon for programs or opportunities to reach out to confirm if a student is in good disciplinary standing. Students on an active disciplinary probation may not be able to hold student leadership positions, participate in fraternity or sorority recruitment, or study abroad/away, for example. It is important to reach out to the office for your specific opportunity if there are any concerns relating to your ability to participate.