Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund

Our students, faculty and staff rely on the Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund for emergency financial assistance for medical bills, textbooks, groceries, and rent or mortgage payments in times of great need.

Michael ’23, was facing eviction from his off-campus housing even though he was working three jobs. The Chaplain’s Fund helped him pay his rent so he could keep a roof over his head while attending Elon as a full-time undergraduate. Juliet ’24 couldn’t afford the required textbooks for her class, and the Chaplain’s Fund helped her make that purchase to fulfill her academic requirements. Malik ’26, an international student, came to Elon with only the clothes on his back and the items in his backpack. His luggage was lost in transit, and the Chaplain’s Fund helped Malik purchase the necessities for daily life to offset the loss of his luggage and personal belongings, which included clothing, shoes, and toiletries.

Providing this kind of care for the Elon campus community is a vital aspect of the work of the Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. The Chaplain’s Fund is the sole source of support for many students and community members, who have nowhere else to turn.

Guidelines for Emergency Assistance

The Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund may be used to assist:

  • Currently employed faculty/staff of Elon University
  • Currently enrolled students of Elon University
  • Currently employed staff of Elon Dining

The Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund provides one-time emergency assistance to Elon University faculty, staff, and students due to an unforeseen financial crisis. Assistance, based on the availability of resources, is to assist with circumstances such as medical emergency, death of a family member, food insecurity, fire or other natural disaster, and the like. The Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund excludes expenses related to cable service, mobile telephone service, tuition, domestic and study abroad, Greek life, and other optional services.

Student Food Insecurity

The Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund also facilitates the distribution of meal vouchers (provided by Elon Dining) that may be used at Elon Dining Halls. These meal vouchers are given to students who identify themselves as food insecure and are obtained through Elon Dining and distributed at the discretion of the University Chaplain and their Administrative Assistant.