Donor Recognition
Elon Hillel is proud to recognize the generosity of the donors whose commitment to Jewish Life at Elon University enabled us to build the Sklut Hillel Center, grow the Jewish student population at the university, offer a range of meaningful and engaging programs, and hire talented and dedicated staff members.
The Tree of Life installation on the wall of the Sklut Hillel Center’s gathering space honors those who made significant contributions to Elon Hillel during the first five years since the center was built. And the newest installation, currently in progress, will honor donors whose gifts qualify them for the Jewish Life Leadership Circle.
Your commitment to Jewish Life makes an impact on every Jewish student on Elon’s campus through your inspired generosity.
Thank you to our donors for the 2021-2022 year. Your gifts make our work possible.
Richard Aaronson ’63 GP’22
Susan Aaronson GP’22
Clarice Abraham GP’20
George Abraham GP’20
Adam Ackerman P’25
Bonnie Ackerman P’25
Stephanie Ackerman P’16
Michelle Adelstein P’22
Stephen Ades P’21 P’26
Erika Antin P’24
Scott Antin P’24
Ginette Archinal
Douglas Ardell P’24
Nancy Ardell P’24
Elsa Arend
Tait Arend ’96 G’00
Jordan August ’15
Boaz Avraham-Katz P’12
Helene Avraham-Katz P’12
Susan Barasch P’23
Alison Barrack P’25
David Barrack P’25
Debbi Barson P’22
Jack Barson P’22
Kara Battinelli P’24
Mark Battinelli P’24
Alana Bauer P’23
Craig Bauer P’23
Bob Beck P’22
Lori Beck P’22
Lori Beecher P’25
Dick Behrman P’20
Sara Behrman P’20
Ken Belfer P’19
Leslie Belfer P’19
Barry Berman P’22
Averie Bernstein ’22
Carey Bernstein P’23 P’25
Lauralee Bernstein P’22
Lauren Bernstein P’23 P’25
Steve Bernstein P’22
Beth Bimston P’24
David Bimston P’24
Dina Blake Jennings ’87 P’18
Bruce Boehm
Bucky Bozof P’24
Hal Bozof P’24
Robert Brager P’23
Sharon Brager P’23
David Brooks P’23 P’26
Lesley Brooks P’23 P’26
Joanne Brumberg GP’24
Leonard Brumberg GP’24
Debbie Bunder P’18 P’22 P’23
Mike Bunder P’18 P’22 P’23
Sean Burke ’14
Marc Burstein P’25
Noam Burstein ’22
David Campbell ’13
Andy Cantos P’25
Ilene Cantos P’25
Kathy Carney-Mark P’23
David Carrieri P’23
Jim Cavanaugh P’25
Lisa Cavanaugh P’25
Deb Charles P’21
Sam Chessen ’21
Michele Cipollone P’25
Eileen Claussen
Geoffrey Claussen
Katy Claussen
Howard Cohen P’25
Jeff Cohen P’23
Justin Cohen ’22
Michael Cohen P’22
Mollie Cohen P’22
Valerie Cohen P’23
Keith Cooperman P’25
James Cope P’25
Pamela Cornfield P’25
Robert Cornfield P’25
Betsy Coy P’25 P’26
Todd Coy P’25 P’26
Darren Cubell ’89
Michele Cubell
Andrea Darlow P’25
Leonard Dick P’20
Lisa Dick P’20
Dana Ditesheim P’22
Jeffrey Ditesheim P’22
Alexa Dixon ’15
Ed Doherty P’07
Joan Doherty P’07
Jon Dooley
Stacie Dooley
Helen DuBowy P’22
Jeff DuBowy P’22
Alexa Dysch ’15
Andrea Ehrlich P’25
Andria Eisman P’25
Janis Eisman GP’25
Robert Eisman P’25
Joanne Elgart P’17
Debbie Ellick P’18 P’21 P’23
Stephen Ellick P’18 P’21 P’23
Hannah Ellowitz ’22
Gary Engel P’20 P’25
Julie Engel P’20 P’25
Michael Epstein P’21
Craig Erlich P’21 P’24
Reneé Erlich P’21 P’24
Sophie Erlich ’21
Deborah Falkow P’25
Howard Falkow P’25
Erika Fayne P’23
Lois Feinberg P’24 P’26
Michelle Feinberg P’24 P’26
Larry Feinstein P’25
Mindy Feinstein P’25
Amy Feintuch P’24
Nolan Feintuch P’24
Brandon Feld ’25
Jason Feld P’25
Marla Feld P’25
Lauren Fertig P’21 P’22
Scott Fertig P’21 P’22
Zack Fertig ’21
Ethan Feuer ’19
Brian Fierston P’20 P’22
Robin Fierston P’20 P’22
Stanley Fink
Andrew Finkle P’25
Heather Finkle P’25
Paula Fischthal P’24
Scott Fischthal P’24
Ellen Flashburg P’12 P’13
Michael Flashburg P’12 P’13
Alan Freeman P’23
Remy Freeman P’23
Ron Frezel P’24
Stacey Frezel P’24
Michael Friedberg P’24
Rhonda Friedberg P’24
Gary Friedlander P’25
Nancy Friedlander P’25
Mitch Friedman P’19
Nicole Friend ’15
Noa Furman P’24
Noah Ganz ’17
Jennifer Gardner
Adam Gartenberg P’24
Jacob Gartenberg ’24
Leslie Gartenberg P’24
Carley Gaynes Blass ’15
Leslie Geballe P’24
Stacy Geller P’23
Steven Geller P’23
Debi Gellman P’22
Emma Rose Gellman ’22
Harris Gellman P’22
Laura Gold P’22
Amy Goldberg
Jennifer Goldberg ’23
Susan Goldberg P’23
Abby Goldblatt P’22
Mitch Goldblatt P’22
Cary Goldenthal P’22
Sarah Goldenthal ’22
Ben Goldstein ’25
Richard Goldstein P’25
Lauren Goodelman Malloney ’06
Amy Gould P’25
Marc Gould P’25
Paul Gould
Ari Greenberg P’21
Dana Greenberg P’21
Bretta Grocer P’24
David Grocer P’24
Mark Guffey P’24
Alison Hack P’23
Craig Hack P’23
Cynthia Haiken P’20
Matthew Haiken P’20
Eric Halperin ’15
Cheryl Harrison P’16
Alessandra Hawthorne P’25
Dave Hawthorne P’25
Enid Hawthorne
Alicia Heintz P’22
Ariana Held P’24
Michael Held P’24
Barb Helpin P’21
Mark Helpin P’21
Deborah Herman P’24
Steven Herman P’24
Harry Hirsch
Lauren Horn P’25
Peter Horn P’25
Bonnie Horowitz P’20 P’24
David Horowitz GP’20 GP’24
Gary Horowitz P’20 P’24
Melissa Horowitz ’20
Sandee Horowitz GP’20
Alissa Horvitz P’22
Eric Horvitz P’22
Ali Hurwitz P’25
Joshua Hurwitz P’25
Melanie Huynh-Duc
Trung Huynh-Duc
Synopsys Inc.
Marc Isaacson P’10
Barbara Israel P’14
Ilana Israel ’14
Stephen Jaeger P’26
Burney Jennings ’87 P’18
Lisa Jones P’23
Stuart Jones P’23
Ranen Jones Burke ’14
Marc Joseph
Charles Kahn P’25
Jennifer Kahn P’25
Kevin Kahn
Michelle Kahn
Alissa Kanowitz P’25
Richard Kanowitz P’25
Beverly Kansky P’13
Randy Kansky P’13
Benjamin Karas ’13
Jessica L. Karas
Andy Katz P’22 P’24
Carolyn Katz P’22 P’24
Emily Katz ’22
Stacey Katz P’25
David Kaufman P’24 P’26
Fortune Kaufman P’24 P’26
Suzanne Kelson P’24
Robin Kester L’15
Renee Kimelman GP’16
Erika Kintzer P’25
Jeff Kintzer P’25
Fred Kleiman P’21
Melissa Kleiman P’21
Amy Klein P’24
Stu Klein P’24
Robert Kleinwaks P’22
Jennifer Kogan P’24
Mark Kogan P’24
Alan Kohn P’25
Karen Kohn P’25
Roger Kohn P’22
Hillel Konigsburg
Cheryl Koppel P’24
Jeffrey Kramer GP’24
Merryl Kramer GP’24
Sydnie Krause ’11
David Krivelow P’25
Gayle Krivelow P’25
Chloe Krulak ’22
Roger Krulak P’22
Ben Kudelka
Dara Kurtz P’22 P’25
Jon Kurtz P’22 P’25
Zoe Kurtz ’22
Richard Landesberg
Dean Landis P’25
Mara Landis P’25
Jack LaPedis P’23
Stephanie LaPedis P’23
Lisa Leibow P’20
Philip Leibow P’20
Alicia Leja ’18
Josh Leon ’22
Lori Leon P’22
Norm Leon P’22
Brian Lerman P’25
Caryn Lerman P’25
Becca Lestner Hauser ’03
Catherine Levene P’22
Mindy Levin P’25
Tami Levin-Cooperman P’25
Leon Levine GP’14
Sandra Levine GP’14
Rebecca Levy P’25
Sara Lewin ’20
Jamie Lewis ’02
Jay Lichtenstein P’24
Julie Lichtenstein P’24
Steven Lieb P’25
Janet Livingston P’16
Rich Livingston P’16
Amy Livingston Recoon ’16
Barbara Lonnman P’18
Nancy Luberoff
Sophie Lukashok P’25
Julia Lukasiewicz ’22
Brendan Malloney
Allie Mannai ’19
Beth Mannella
Samantha Maoz ’18
Dari Marder P’22
Ellen Marder P’24
Eric Marder P’24
Elliot Mark P’23
Dino Martin P’24
Lisa Martin P’21
Mindy Martin P’24
Mort Marvin GP’22
Sam Marvin P’22
Steven Marvin P’22
Suzanne Marvin GP ’22
Jason May ’85 P’20 P’23
Melanie May ’95 P’20 P’23
Gregory McDaniel
Heather McDaniel
Denise Meckler P’24
Dan Melrod P’23
Grace Melrod P’23
Mimi Merliss ’15
Jed Mescon P’12
Phyllis Mescon P’12
Kathy Miljanic P’23
Mio Miljanic P’23
Dana Miller ’22
Ellen Miller P’18
Marcia Miller P’17
Mitchell Miller P’17
Sophie Miller ’24
Alan Milstein P’22
Rebecca Milstein P’22
Ariel Mittleman ’18
Amy Morrissey P’25
Colin Morrissey P’25
Ellen Morse P’13
Richard Morse P’13
Carl Moskowitz GP’21
Leslie Moskowitz P’21 P’23
Marcia Moskowitz
Michael Moskowitz P’21 P’23
Amy Muntner P’24
Geff Myers P’23
Toby Myers P’23
Ricky Nachwalter P’23
Wendi Nachwalter P’23
Spencer Neiman ’17
Jake Neuman ’22
Michael Nigrelli P’25
Robyn-Lee Nigrelli P’25
Margo Ohana P’22 P’24
Michael Ohana P’22 P’24
Dean Palin P’21
Roxanne Palin P’21
Bill Perell P’16
Annette Perlin P’20
Karen Pinkert-Lieb P’25
Richard Pipan P’14
Elliot Pleener P’24
Jaymi Pleener P’24
Mollie Plotkin P’25
Jerry Plovsky P’16
Betsy Polk Joseph
Sheila Polstein P’25
Bruce Pomerantz P’25
Suzi Pomerantz P’25
Jason Pressberg ’06
Jayson Prisand P’25
Lori Prisand P’25
Daniel Rabinowitz ’22
Allison Rachels P’24
John Rachels P’24
Alan Rafal P’24
Lisa Rafal P’24
Barbara Ray
Michelle Ray
Rachel Ray
Carly Recoon ’21
Jeremy Recoon ’16
Marci Resnick P’24
Steven Resnick P’24
Jody Riback P’25
Steven Riback P’25
Simon Richmond P’25
Wendy Richmond P’25
Jay Rimmer
Marina Ring P’25
Scott Ring P’25
Jacob Rose P’24
Stacy Rose P’24
Michael Rosen P’25
Perri Rosen P’25
Lindsay Rosenzweig ’22
Marlene Rosenzweig P’22
Scott Rosenzweig P’22
AJ Roshfeld ’16
Debra Roshfeld
Laurie Roshfeld P’12 P’16
Allie Roteman ’16
Amy Rothstein P’25
Diane Rothstein GP’25
Eric Rubel P’23
Sara Rubel P’23
Dino Ruggiero P’25
Wendy Ruggiero P’25
Alan Sable P’23
Amy Sable P’23
Barrie Sacks P’25
Jon Sacks P’25
Margo Sadow P’24
Mike Sadow P’24
Howard Sakin P’16 P’21
Julie Sakin P’16 P’21
Noah Sakin ’16
Patricia Saltzer P’24
Scott Saltzer P’24
Julie Scherck P’23
Roger Scherck P’23
Ann Scherzer P’21
Dov Scherzer P’21
Stefanie Schiff P’25
Harvey Schmidt P’19
Alan Schoen P’23
Deborah Schoenhoff P’16
Dick Schulman GP’20
Marcia Schulman GP’20
Mark Schulman P’24
Erin Schuver P’25
Steve Schuver P’25
Ayala Schwartz ’22
Béla Schwartz P’23
David Schwartz GP’22
Ellen Schwartz GP’23
Jeremy Schwartz P’22
Lauren Schwartz P’23
Neil Schwartz P’23
Sandy Schwartz GP’23
Shira Schwartz P’22
Phyllis Schwarz
Evan Seder ’18
Renee Sekersky Zung P’17 P’20
Cheryl Selman P’23
Jeff Selman P’23
Kaitlyn Sendzik
Jodi Shapira P’22
Richie Shapira ’22
Tom Shapira P’22
Lori Shapiro P’22
Craig Sherman P’22
Lisa Sherman P’22
David Sherr P’24
Holly Sherr P’24
Gary Siegel P’25
Lee Siegel P’25
Craig Silverman P’25
Fern Silverman P’25
Marjorie Silverman Guffey P’24
Harold Simansky P’24
Linda Simansky P’24
Margie Singer P’25
Randall Singer P’25
Alan Singles P’23
Suzanne Singles P’23
Rebecca Sirody P’23
Kevin Skadron P’23
Rachel Skadron P’23
Eric Sklut P’14
Lori Sklut P’14
Carolyn Sloan P’25
David Sloan P’25
Bill Smith
Craig Smith P’26
Joel Smith P’25
Melinda Smith P’26
Sue Smith
Kevin Sneader P’24
Jonathan Sonnenberg P’25
Debra Sorosky P’11
Joel Sorosky P’11
Rachel Southmayd Campbell ’13
Bonnie Spiegle GP’23
Scott Spiegle P’23 P’26
Shani Spiegle P’25 P’26
Steve Spiegle GP’23
Becky Springer P’23 P’25
Rob Springer P’23 P’25
Wendy Stahl ’08
Drew Stanwyck P’22
Lisa Stanwyck P’22
Stephanie Starr P’23
Steven Starr P’23
Brian Statfeld P’24
Michelle Statfeld P’24
Chrissy Stein
Jeff Stein
Elizabeth Stern P’25
Michael Stern P’25
Rachel Strauss ’18
David Strouse P’22 P’24 P’26
Lisa Strouse P’22 P’24 P’26
Sarah Strouse P’22 P’24 P’26
Amanda Summerson P’23
Graham Summerson P’23
Will Swain ’20
Lorraine Teisch P’25
Richard Teisch P’25
Andrea Tenenbaum P’22
David Tenenbaum P’22
The Leon Levine Foundation
Darrell Thomas P’23
Randi Thomas P’23
Caryn Tiger Paillex P’24
Alan Tivoli P’21
Mariel Tivoli ’21
Susan Tivoli P’21
Adam Tommer ’21
Nadine Tosk P’19
Peter Tremblay
Deborah Turobiner P’25
Larry Turobiner P’25
Jeremie Vansicle
Jordan Walder P’22
Sandra Walder P’22
Hal Webb P’25
Hydi Webb P’25
Jeremy Weber ’10
Arielle Weil ’14
Jay Weinberg P’22
Robert I. Weiner
David Weinhaus P’22 P’25
Deborah Weinhaus P’22 P’25
Bob Weintraub P’17
Lynn Weintraub P’17
Andrea Weiss P’22
Cheryl Weiss P’22
Loren Weiss P’22
Michael Weiss P’22
Michelle Weiss Schoen P’23
Shari Wels P’24
Steven Wels P’24
Jill Wilson P’10
Ian Winters P’23
Jennifer Winters P’23
Marvin Witte GP’22
Phoebe Witte GP’22
Brian Wohl P’25
Georgia Wohl P’25
Patty Wolff P’24
Russell Wolff P’24
Suzanne Wycoff P’25
Ron Yardenay ’11
Tracey Zack P’24
Hillary Zaken
Craig Zimmerman P’24
June Zimmerman P’23
Maryann Zimmerman P’24
Jonathan Zung P’17 P’20