Truitt Center Multifaith Internship

The Multifaith Internship from the Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual is an experiential deep dive into the diverse religious, spiritual, and ethical traditions on Elon’s campus and beyond.  Students who participate in this internship grow in their religious literacy, develop values-based leadership, foster the skills to engage others in respectful conversation, participate in and facilitate effective interfaith dialogue, and curate spaces for educational and authentic religious and spiritual celebrations.

The internship is a cohort experience through which participants are deeply involved with all aspects of Elon’s multifaith experience.

The Multifaith Internship is a journey, through which interns are expected to intentionally listen to the voices, narratives, and experiences of individuals who identify with diverse religious, spiritual, and ethical traditions with the goal of deepening religious literacy and increasing comfort with participating in and facilitating interfaith conversations.

Along with representatives of diverse religious communities, interns will create space, build and cultivate relationships, lead programs, and facilitate learning opportunities about religious and spiritual identities and experiences on campus and beyond. All this will be to explore, firsthand, how cooperation and collaboration foster learning, appreciation and greater understanding, and how this enhances Elon’s Multifaith campus community.

Are you willing to participate in a Multifaith Conversation Meeting (MCM) with one of our interns? Please fill out this form:

In the words of Clara Wakins, ’25: “as a Multifaith Intern, I can explore my own faith, and I can also experience different religious traditions and learn more about all the different communities on campus. In this space, all my values and beliefs are tied together, encouraged, and supported”.

Apply here for the Multifaith Internship for the 24-25 Academic year:

(click here for detailed position statement)

Multifaith Intern Professional Staff

2023-2024 Multifaith Intern Cohort

Rocco Albano, ’26 (he/him/his)

Major: Biology and International/Global Studies

“I am most excited about deepening my connection to the various faith communities at Elon, even those with which I have not had much interaction as of yet. I am also enthusiastic about working within a cohort to foster the growth of the multifaith community at Elon to strengthen the communities that have made me feel welcome on campus.”

Rachel Curtis, ’24 (she/her/hers)

Major: International/Global Studies

“As a Multifaith Intern, I am very excited to meet and work with diverse groups of people who bring new perspectives and challenge me to always think critically about the world around me.”

Alex James, ’25 (she/her/hers)

Major: International Studies

“I’m excited to help set up some of the events! I participated in some of these last years and missed a couple of others, so I’m excited to help set up the events I didn’t see last year and re-experience the past events and help set up. Things are always better when you help prepare them.”

Hasan Khan, ’26 (he/him/his)

Major: Computer Science

“I am most excited to learn about all of the different faiths and experiences that people have around the Elon campus. I am also very excited to share my own faith and experience with others, especially in the forms of events and fun activities.”

Maddy Williams, ’25 (she/her/hers)

Major: Art

“I’m most excited to be helping plan events and to grow as a leader. I’m also looking forward to bringing all different kinds of people together!”

Morgan Williams, ’25 (she/her/hers)

Major: Public Health and Environmental & Sustainability Studies

“As an intern I am most excited to grow out of my comfort zone and have the opportunity to impact Elon!”