wInterfaith: Lunch and Learn Interfaith Dialogue

wInterfaith is an opportunity for the campus community and the larger Elon community to engage with each other around different expressions of religion and spirituality. The program is a collaboration with the Elon Community Church.

This 2023-2024 wInterfaith: Intersections of Race and Religion panel conversation, took place on Wednesday, February 28 at 12:15 pm, in the McBride Gathering Space of the Numen Lumen Pavilion.

wInterfaith is an opportunity for the campus community and the larger Elon community to engage with each other around different expressions of religion and spirituality. This year, wInterfaith conversations will focus on the ways that members of different religious, spiritual, and ethical traditions think about issues of race and religion. Students, faculty, staff, and members of the Elon community will gather for meaningful interfaith conversation over lunch to dig deep into this important issue.