
  • Closed captions are crucial for viewers with hearing impairments. Ensure that all spoken content is accurately captioned.
  • Review and edit automated captions for accuracy, even if generated by software.
  • Synchronized captions should be provided for video content.

Audio Descriptions

  • For viewers with visual disabilities, include audio descriptions.
  • Describe visual elements, actions and context during pauses in the audio.
  • Audio descriptions can be part of the default soundtrack or offered as a separate selectable track.

Universal Video Players

  • Use a 508-compliant video player that meets accessibility standards.
  • Ensure the player addresses software provisions outlined in the standards.

Keyboard Accessibility

  • Design video interfaces to be navigable using keyboard commands.
  • Users who rely on keyboard navigation should be able to play, pause and control video playback.

Optimize Video Length

  • Keep video clips between 3 to 10 minutes in length.
  • If content requires more time, create segmented videos within this range.
  • Use a universal audio or video player to enhance accessibility.

Platform-Specific Considerations

  • Different social media platforms have varying requirements.
  • Adapt your videos to fit formats like Instagram Stories, TikTok or YouTube.
  • Prioritize mobile-friendly formats, such as vertical videos, for optimal viewing on smartphones.