All deliverables used for the recruitment of undergraduate students –– brochures, postcards, swag, admitted-student-event giveaways, etc. –– are initiated by the Office of Admissions or University Communications. If you want materials used for recruitment, you must discuss the project with admissions prior to requesting a creative project through Marketing Communications. This ensures that the materials are necessary and fit into the undergraduate admission communications plan.

Working With Us

How to work with Marketing Communications for Undergraduate Admissions for projects aimed at prospective students and their families:

  1. If the Office of Admissions approves your request for new materials, fill out a project initiation form. Please plan ahead and refer to the estimated production timeline when thinking about your project.
  2. If you want copies of a specific brochure that Marketing Communications is already producing for undergraduate admissions for use in your own department or school, request additional copies by contacting Roselee Papandrea Taylor. (Note: These requests must be made prior to the project going to print. Our office gets significant discounts from ordering in large quantities. It is costly to order a small quantity for your department or school’s use after the brochure is printed. Most of the publications used in admissions are produced during the summer.)
  3. If you are producing flyers or postcards to giveaway at admitted student events or at other times, University Communications has templates you can use. It’s important that prospective students and parents receive messaging and designs that are consistent throughout the recruitment cycle. Contact Roselee Papandrea Taylor to request templates.

Planning a Publication

Before you get started, learn more about our process and follow these steps to place a request.

Step One: Know Your Budget

Before you submit the appropriate request form to work with the marketing communications creative services team, know the budget that you may allocate to this project. Depending on the scope of your project, charges may include printing, postage and, when appropriate, freelance fees.

Step Two: Plan Ahead

To ensure your project is completed in a timely manner you must plan ahead. Projects are deadline driven and we manage a large volume of work. Even the least complex projects can take up to four weeks to complete when design, proofs, printing and delivery are factored into the process. Depending on the type of project, you should contact the creative team between two weeks and two months before you need your publication delivered. See the production schedule below for general guidance and typical timeframes.

Please note: These production times are from the moment we receive all final copy/assets from you, not from the time you submit a request.

Project Production Time Printing Time Total Time
Postcard 2 weeks 1 week 2-3 weeks
Program card 2 weeks 1 week 2-4 weeks
Print collateral
(stickers, mugs, t-shirts, etc.)
2 weeks 1-3 weeks 2-5 weeks
Poster 2 weeks 2-3 days 3-5 weeks
Brochure 3-4 weeks 1-3 weeks 4-7 weeks
Invitation package 2-3 weeks 1-2 weeks 3-5 weeks
Banners 1-2 weeks 1-2 weeks
(depending on vendor)
2-4 weeks
Digital graphics
(email banner, digital boards)
1-2 weeks
(includes review rounds)
1-2 weeks
Signage (yard signs) 5-7 working days 5-10 days
(depending on vendor)
10-17 days

Step Three: Submit a Request

Any department interested in having a piece designed can complete the online Project Request Form. After submitting a request, the project manager will contact you within two working days to discuss the details and to schedule a consultation meeting if one is necessary.

You will also be provided with a rough deadline for final, approved text to be submitted to the creative services team. Following the initial meeting, the creative services team will develop and propose a creative brief that outlines art direction and a detailed production schedule that includes time for text editing, design, proofing and printing. The project manager will share this document with the client for approval. No work will commence until the creative brief is approved.

Step Four: Send Your Files

When writing copy, we ask that you adhere to the University’s Style Guide, the Associated Press Stylebook and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. The text should be submitted as a single Word file with little or no formatting.

  • Submit only approved and finalized text for design. This is necessary to avoid delays in the design proofing process.
  • Text should be single-spaced and formatting other than paragraph and/or section breaks is unnecessary.
  • Use one space after a period.
  • Use upper and lower case, not all caps.
  • Include text for all materials needed (headers, captions, sponsors, web and social media addresses, contact information, return addresses, reply card text, etc.).
  • If you are revising or making only minor edits to an existing publication, please mark the edits on a hard copy and forward it to University Communications via campus mail or a scanned version via email. If major edits are required, submit a Word document with the new text highlighted.

Please note: Your project begins when final, approved text is received by the team, not when the request is submitted.

Step Five: Production Round

The production timelines shared above assume final, approved text is submitted to the creative services team on the requested due date, prompt review and proofreading by the client when notified, and final approval in one or two days. A longer approval time will add to the production timeline. That time cannot be made up by the designer or printer.

Please know that additional time may be needed to complete projects depending on the current department workload and other external factors (i.e. paper shortages, supply chain issues, etc.) Conversely, the creative services team may be able to accommodate requests with shorter production times, so please don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation.

Step Six: Proofing Round

The proofing process is meant to illustrate what your project will look like when it’s printed based on the creative brief. During this process, you will check for factual, typographical or visual errors, rather than making major text revisions or requesting new design concepts. To eliminate substantial rewrites, please finalize copy and have all necessary approvals before submitting files to University Communications.

The production schedule allows for up to three proofs; please check each version carefully and entirely, making only the necessary corrections. Proofing can be done via PDF file and/or hard copy. Each client is responsible for the accuracy of any copy supplied to the creative services staff for a project.

Please make every effort to return the proofs to us as indicated in your production schedule and provide an “OK to print” on your publication before it is printed.

Please note: Changes made after final approval is given may result in additional charges and cause delays to production timelines.

Step Seven: Printing

When the creative services team has received your sign-off/final approval on a proof, the designer will prepare the design files and send them to print, including Print Services. Changes at this stage are costly to both budget and schedule. If you are using Print Services and sending the file yourself, please consult with us about the appropriate paper for the project.

For projects that will be mailed, you will need to supply the mailing list in an Excel spreadsheet with only the fields required for the mail panel or variable data fields. The list needs to be supplied to the creative services team a week before your files need to go to the printer.

Step Eight: Delivery

Delivery will be made per your instructions, typically either to your office or the University Communications office for pickup. Large volume orders (more than 2,500) will automatically go to the warehouse, unless you specify otherwise. When indicating a delivery date for your project, please remember the time required for addressing and mailing.