The Directory Feed Advanced Element allows you to embed a list of user profiles from the official Elon online directory. This can be used to automate faculty and/or staff listings for your department, custom lists for interdisciplinary programs, or simply well formatted “contact us” pages.

Example Directory Feed


Adding a Directory Feed

Place your cursor on an empty line in the Rich Text Editor body:

Image showing the blank line required to place the E-Net Feed


Click the Add Element button located above the Rich Text Editor buttons:

Image showing the location of the Add Element button


Click the Directory Feed icon in the Advanced Elements selection tool:

Image showing the location of the Directory Feed Advanced Element button


You will now be presented with several options for embedding a Directory Feed. At a minimum, you must add a comma separated list of Department IDs or usernames to include.

Image showing the location of the department id and username fields


Select any other options (detailed below) to customize your Directory Feed. When you’re done editing your feed, click the green Update Element button.

Image showing the location of the update element button


After adding the element, you will see an Directory Feed placeholder image display in the position where the feed will be placed.

Image showing the Directory Feed placeholder image.


Detailed Directory Feed Options

Image showing all the available options for a Directory Feed


  1. Comma-separated list of directory Department IDs: A list of Department IDs (or a single Department ID) for the profiles you want to display on a page. You can find these IDs by visiting the online directory, selecting the desired department from the Select a Department dropdown, then finding the ID in the URL located after the “?d=” parameter.
    1. For example, after selecting “Love School of Business” from the department dropdown list, you’ll see “LSB”  in the URL:
    2. When displayed on the page, the list will display in alphabetical order by last name.
  2. Comma-separated list of usernames to include: A list of usernames (or a single username) for the profiles you want to display on a page. This option can be used in conjunction with Department IDs to manually add individuals to a department list, or can be used on its own to create a custom list.
    1. Important: Only enter the username, not the full email address.
    2. When displayed on the page, the list will display in alphabetical order by last name.
  3. Comma-separated list of usernames to feature at the top: A list of usernames that will be forced to the top of a feed list. This option can be used in conjunction with Department ID’s or username lists to move an individual (or individuals) to the top of a list.
    1. For example, moving a faculty chair or a department director to the top of a full department list.
  4. Comma-separated list of usernames to exclude: A list of usernames that will be excluded from a list of Department IDs.
  5. Theme: The style of list you’d like to embed. Options include a vertical list such as the example at the top of the page, or a grid list for a more compact list display.
  6. Show Photo: Selecting or removing this option will determine if the feed will contain the users directory profile picture.
  7. Show Office and Address: Selecting or removing this option will determine whether or not to display the users building, office number, and campus box.
  8. Show Phone and Email: Selecting or removing this option will determine whether or not to display the users email address and phone number.
  9. Show Expertise: Selecting or removing this option will determine whether or not to display the users expertise entered in their personal profile. If the users expertise has not been entered it will not display regardless of this option.
  10. Show Brief Biography: Selecting or removing this option will determine whether or not to display the users brief biography entered in their personal profile. If the users biography has not been entered it will not display regardless of this option.
    1. Important: If you are embedding a long list of individual, then we recommend not enabling this option as it will create a very long page.

Important Information Regarding Directory Data

  • If you find that there is incorrect directory data, such as a misspelled name, incorrect office location, or phone number, please contact the Office of Human Resources. All non-biographical directory data update requests must go through HR.
  • Biographical data is managed by the individual user. This includes information such as expertise, brief bio, education, employment history, and courses taught. To edit your biography or other personal information, visit the following URL replacing “your_username” with your actual Elon username:
    • You can only edit your profile. You may not edit the profile of other users.


Editing an Existing Directory Feed

To edit an existing Directory Feed, simply double click on the placeholder for the feed you want to edit. The feed element options will display, and update the settings as necessary. When you’re finished editing, click the green Update Element button to save your changes.