Options for Support

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to respond to an incident of interpersonal violence and supports the survivors right to choose how they would like to move toward healing and/ or justice. If you or someone you know have experienced gender-based violence, there are many types of support and options available. Options include:

Confidential Support: Resources that have confidential privilege, by law, that cannot share the information that is given to them or the identity of the survivor to police, the university, or others unless the reporting party shares that there is ongoing or future abuse of a minor or elder.

Remedies and Interim Measures: Resources that can provide survivors with accommodations and remedies that do not require an investigation.

Pursuing an Investigation:(University or Police): Options through which individuals who have experienced violence can choose to pursue accountability measures for perpetrators through university or police investigations.

Getting Medical Attention: Medical providers are confidential resources that can tend to both immediate and non-immediate medical needs related to sexual and relationship violence.